Appendix ‘D’: Independent Study Activities, NAVIs
D.1: NAVIs
•What is a NAVI?
For the purposes of FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward, a NAVI is an acronym that stands for: Novel (connection), Activity (for CLEVER QUICK), Vocabulary (to prepare for the upcoming chapter), and Interesting (or fun idea). There is a NAVI supplied for each chapter. •That NAVI acronym was chosen not only because the letters captured just the right activities, but also because of the following: 1. Navi is apparently a short form for ‘satellite navigation’, which is a system for guiding people to their destinations; 2. In gameplay terms, Navi functions primarily as a guide that points out clues in the environment and helps the player learn the controls and advance in the game; 3. Navi is a name of South Asian origin that means ‘kind to people’; and 4. In English the word is apparently usually translated as ‘prophet’, which has a connotation of someone who is able to predict the future. Wow, these definitions really serve our purpose well! •We want you to be successful as you work through FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward and watch the videos. Take the time to consider each of the following. The activities will help you focus on what some of the main points are as well as allow you to stay on top of relevant vocabulary. The NAVI for each chapter will present a list of vocabulary for the following chapter. Get in the habit of skimming the lists. If you are somewhat familiar with each of the words, that is all you need to do. If there are any words that you’re not sure of, it would be worthwhile to look up the definitions, either in a paper dictionary or on-line. If you encounter other unfamiliar words in your reading, make note of them and look up their meanings.
Chapter 1 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Look back at the introductory pages in FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward. Read the ‘dedication’ and decide what message(s) the author is trying to get readers to think about.
A (activity for CQ): How would you define a ‘successful’ life?
V (vocabulary chapter 1 and 2): helium-3; black hole; galaxy; refractions; old growth forest; goatee; psychic; exotic; regimen; trance.
I (interesting/fun idea): If someone was describing your interests, what would they say?
Chapter 2 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Would you believe it if someone approached you and explained that they were you, from the future? What would it take to convince you that your ‘older self’ had appeared?
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL1. Complete the diagram of your current study place, including as much detail as possible. Obtain a binder to place all surveys and notes in; this will be useful for review at various points during the program, as well as periodically to keep in top form, after you’ve completed the reading, watched all the videos and gone on with the rest of your life.
V (vocabulary chapter 3):URL address; spectacular.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you could travel back in time, where and when would you go? What would you do?
Chapter 3 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Caleb obviously wants to be successful. What encourages him in this chapter?
A (activity for CQ): Make a checklist of the changes you need to make for your study place. What things are you able to change right away? Make a plan to address the things that will take some time.
V (vocabulary chapter 4): vaporized; Fibonacci numbers; DNA; reflection.
I (interesting/fun idea): Make a “Do Not Disturb!” sign, using card stock or equivalent, to use when you are studying.
Chapter 4 • NAVI
N (novel connection): What were some of the ‘internal distractions’ that Caleb experienced?
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL2. Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 5): recollection; strategically; optimistic; hallucination.
I (interesting/fun idea): Obtain a small notebook or notepad that you can put next to your bed, along with a pen or pencil. When you have issues that are troubling you, during the day, or at night, write them down. As soon as possible, make plans to deal with them.
Chapter 5 • NAVI
N (novel connection): What is a name that you could use for yourself, by mixing the letters in your first name, or first and last names?
A (activity for CQ): Make it a goal to start using a ‘Daily Agenda Planner’ if you don’t use one already. If you already have one, make sure you are recording school tasks as well as non-school activities, on a daily basis.
V (vocabulary chapter 6): inadequate; resolution; anomaly.
I (interesting/fun idea): What technology devices do you have access to that will help you as you organize your learning?
Chapter 6 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Blace says, “When you are certain that doing something now will lead to the exact result you want, you’d do it, wouldn’t you?” Explain what he means. How can Caleb be sure of the results?
A (activity for CQ): Select an upcoming assignment that you will have to do. Break it down into small manageable chunks.
V (vocabulary chapter 7): déjà vu; Fibonacci sequence; subconscious; calibrating; theorems.
I (interesting/fun idea): What is a hobby or skill that you would like to start working with or improve in?
Chapter 7 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Look at the sequence of Fibonacci numbers on page 36. What are the next 5 numbers in the sequence?
A (activity for CQ): What goal would you choose to set up for yourself, similar to the ‘New year’s Resolution’ goals that are shown in the video? Try to make it as SMART as possible.
V (vocabulary chapter 8): measurable; achievable; relevant; growth mindset; disguise; pandemics; catastrophe.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you were able to have a ‘memory adjustment’ done on yourself, what would you choose to do?
Chapter 8 • NAVI
N (novel connection): In this chapter we learn about Future-Trackers. Who are they, what do they do and why is their job important?
A (activity for CQ): Set up a long-term SMART goal that relates to something you would like to do as a job or career in the future.
V (vocabulary chapter 9): alterable; facial; manipulating; revolutionized; hypnosis; tally; perceptions.
I (interesting/fun idea): Have you given any thought to what you would like to do when you become an adult? What job/career would you like to do and where would you like to live? What leisure activities would you like to pursue?
Chapter 9 • NAVI
N (novel connection): What are some of the frightening things about MAs that Blace tells Caleb about?
A (activity for CQ): Print off the Survey FL3 form, which includes the blank tally form for the coming week. Complete Survey FL3 (page 1 and 2 at first, then page 3 and 4 after you have tracked activities for a week). Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 10): morphed; surreal.
I (interesting/fun idea): Is there any time during your week that you think is either ‘wasted’ or not used to potential? If there was an activity, sport or hobby that you could replace that time with, what would it be?
Chapter 10 • NAVI
N (novel connection): List all the steps Grace went through to figure out that Blace was from the future.
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL4. Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 11): perplexed; anxious; awkwardness.
I (interesting/fun idea): Do some research on recently developed technology or programs that interest you. Which ones were created within the last 8 years? If you could develop a brand new type of technology or program within the next 8 years, what would it be?
Chapter 11 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Describe the puzzle that Blace had for Caleb and Grace. What does it teach us about scheduling things in our week?
A (activity for CQ): Print off several blank “weekly schedule’ forms and create a weekly schedule for yourself. Adjust as necessary. Once you have a schedule that seems to work, try putting it on-line with a calendar program.
V (vocabulary chapter 12): demeanor; amateur; deflated; rotund.
I (interesting/fun idea): List 5 or 6 ‘likes’ that you want to make sure you set time aside for in your weekly schedule.
Chapter 12 • NAVI
N (novel connection): How did Caleb learn about being flexible with his weekly schedule? What did he decide to change for the coming week? What was the reason that Blace gave for saying that CLEVER QUICK wasn’t just for them? What does he say that the future depends on?
A (activity for CQ): Pick at least one suggestion from Video A12 that will make you more successful in your educational setting and make a plan to try it. Record that plan in your ‘daily agenda planner’.
V (vocabulary chapter 13): fraud; opportune; uncannily; unprecedented; irrefutable; somber.
I (interesting/fun idea): What is your favourite sports team? It can be a professional or amateur team. What do you like about them? What would you change if you had the opportunity?
Chapter 13 • NAVI
N (novel connection): List the ‘benefits’ of using CLEVER QUICK that Blace makes mention of in this chapter.
A (activity for CQ): Print out and complete the set of CLEVER checklists. Add them to your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 14): ironically; apprehension; globally; fluke; preoccupied; skeptical; confidentiality; forthcoming; telepathy.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you were to meet someone who was visiting from 8 years in the future, what are 3 questions that you would try to get answers for?
Chapter 14 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Why do you think it is that Blace says, “The ‘Q’ for ‘questioning sources’ is one of the most important of CLEVER QUICK?
A (activity for CQ): Review the approach outlined on page 195 in the appendices for ‘Determining the truth of information encountered’. Pick an article or website that someone has shared with you on social media, or in a class at school, and determine how truthful you think the information is.
V (vocabulary chapter 15): beacon; meandering; unison; factual.
I (interesting/fun idea): Try going a whole week without saying something bad about another person. Follow this guideline: if you can’t say something good about someone, don’t say anything at all. Record your progress in your ‘daily agenda planner’. Not successful? Try again the next week.
Chapter 15 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Are there any ‘old growth’ trees near where you live? If not, how far would you need to travel to get to one?
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL5. Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 16): omniscient; mimicking; enlightened; sarcasm; shroud; pressurized; auras; collaboration; molecularly; displacement; organism; facilitate; amplification; feline.
I (interesting/fun idea): Have you ever done any hiking in a forest? Identify 3 safety rules. Do an internet search if you’re not sure which ones are most important.
Chapter 16 • NAVI
N (novel connection): What is a MAXTOC used for? What do each of the letters stand for?
A (activity for CQ): Draw out a ‘mapped outline diagram’ (MOD) for one of the topics you are currently working on in your schooling, or use a topic that you are personally interested in. Make sure to leave room to add extra information. Do research to discover some new learning and add the notes to your diagram.
V (vocabulary chapter 17): alterable; interspersed; multi-generational; feigning; cratered; atomic; galactic; cosmic; catalyst; proximity; perplexed; mindfulness; gallant; repulsive.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you were able to fully communicate with one type of animal, what animal would you pick? What things would you talk about?
Chapter 17 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Describe Asher’s comic book/graphic novel.
A (activity for CQ): Pick a writing assignment that you know is upcoming in your schooling. Make a plan to use the 9 points of the ‘writing process” as described in Chapter 17 and Video A17 as you prepare the assignment. Put the details in your ‘daily activity planner’.
V (vocabulary chapter 18): intrigues; holographic; GPS; aura; space-time continuum; dilemma.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you were to design a comic book/graphic novel, what would it be about?
Chapter 18 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Where did Caleb travel to in this chapter, and what did he do there?
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL6. Put your completed survey into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 19): asap; reconstituted; descent.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you could travel forward in time, where and when would you go? What would you do?
Chapter 19 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Why does Caleb say that ‘his life and the future of the world’ depends on him being successful with the mission?
A (activity for CQ): Pick a section of information from one of your classes that you need to remember. Practice using various ‘Coding’ strategies to help you remember the material.
V (vocabulary chapter 20): disfigured; ‘pins and needles’; elation; incremental; ‘black holes’; quasars; wormholes.
I (interesting/fun idea): If you could design a time machine, what would it look like? Compare and contrast it with the ‘travel shroud’ from FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward.
Chapter 20 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Caleb did very well on his presentation to the class. Contrast his feelings from this chapter with those he expressed toward his schoolwork in chapter 1.
A (activity for CQ): Review all the points in the K section of QUICK, with an upcoming test in mind. Make it a goal to use the strategies as soon as you can.
V (vocabulary chapter 21): icebreaker; bemused; resemblance; perceptive; ironic; relative.
I (interesting/fun idea): A well-known way of sending a distress signal is to send an ‘SOS’. If you ever became lost in the wilderness, what are some ways that you could signal that you were in distress and needed help?
Chapter 21 • NAVI
N (novel connection): In this chapter Blace says, “So, if you were to note a main point of ‘futurelooping’, it would be this: Since the future is alterable, you should always examine your actions and consider making positive adjustments that would make life on this planet better for all. No action is too small.” Explain your understanding of this and give an example of an action that you or your family could take.
A (activity for CQ): Complete Survey FL7 and your review of CLEVER QUICK. Put your completed survey and review notes into your Survey Binder.
V (vocabulary chapter 22): incremental; wonderment; retorted; discerning; anomalies.
I (interesting/fun idea): Blace advises to show respect to others, especially those that are not exactly like you. If you were to follow this advice, what are some things that you can do in your school or home environment to practice this?
Chapter 22 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Read over Dr. Suzuki’s advice quoted in this chapter. How will CLEVER QUICK help humans to be more discerning (having keen insight and good judgement) and make better decisions?
A (activity for CQ): Decide on some things that you can put into practice this coming month that you have learned from CLEVER QUICK. Make note of them in your ‘daily agenda planner’. Put a reminder in to review all the checklists and surveys at the beginning of each month for the coming year. Have a goal to be fully using all the strategies by the end of the coming year. All the best!
V (vocabulary upcoming in appendices): holographic; flux; connotation; environmental; conditioned; hacked; malware; validity; probability; credibility; bias; misinformation; inflammatory; graphic organizers; encode; visualization; cognitive dissonance.
I (interesting/fun idea): What advice do you have for those younger than you? If you have a younger brother or sister, make a plan to pass on helpful advice that you know you would have appreciated at that age. If you don’t have a younger sibling, perhaps you can help the younger brother or sister of a friend. What other ways can you ‘pay it forward’ to future generations?