Fulfilling Potential:
Life in Fast Forward
Chapter 22 Resources
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Chapter 22 Audio
Chapter 22 Video
Appendices for FutureLoop Fulfilling Potential: Life in Fast Forward
Independent Study Activities: Chapter 22 • NAVI
N (novel connection): Read over Dr. Suzuki’s advice quoted in this chapter. How will CLEVER QUICK help humans to be more discerning (having keen insight and good judgement) and make better decisions?
A (activity for CQ): Decide on some things that you can put into practice this coming month that you have learned from CLEVER QUICK. Make note of them in your ‘daily agenda planner’. Put a reminder in to review all the checklists and surveys at the beginning of each month for the coming year. Have a goal to be fully using all the strategies by the end of the coming year. All the best!
V (vocabulary upcoming in appendices): holographic; flux; connotation; environmental; conditioned; hacked; malware; validity; probability; credibility; bias; misinformation; inflammatory; graphic organizers; encode; visualization; cognitive dissonance.
I (interesting/fun idea): What advice do you have for those younger than you? If you have a younger brother or sister, make a plan to pass on helpful advice that you know you would have appreciated at that age. If you don’t have a younger sibling, perhaps you can help the younger brother or sister of a friend. What other ways can you ‘pay it forward’ to future generations?